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Club Internship


CSIS students club internship program provides an opportunity for middle school students to experience student clubs before actually joining them. Application is available every first week of the month through this website’s submission form.

HALLO: (Max. 3 weeks) (6,7,8th grade available)
- Leader: Sydney Soh Leader contact:
- Application available for 8th-grade
- Lecture hour: Friday 3:40 PM - 4:15 PM
- Mostly about animals → how to treat them, and general information

Medical Club: (4 weeks) (6,7,8th grade available)
- Leader: Subhan Kim, Lynn Nam Leader contact:,
- Take a survey this semester and write a report together, help with the topic selection + survey preparation process.
- Tuesday 8:00 - 8:40 PM MAX

Spouter Times: (4 weeks) (Only 8th grade available)
- Club leader: Amber Kim Leader Contact:
- Writing practices, listening to mini-lectures, and writing articles based on the lecture.
- The meeting time is TBD. Until now, Friday every week

VOICE: (Maximum 2 weeks) → either 1 week library and another week delivering snacks. (6,7,8th grade available)
- Leader: Sally Na, Chaekyung Lee Leader contact:,
- Library volunteering
- Clearing the trash can, cleaning the desks, and chairs, helping out with borrowing/lending books
- Friday 3:30-5:00
- Delivering snacks
- Location: 글로벌 이주민 자녀학교(보육원) → Time may be flexible, discussed with the leader


  • Internship Program will begin starting in SEPTEMBER

  • Internship application deadline is every first week of the month through the Neotimes Website (Program → Student Internship Program)

  • Applicants may choose one of the four clubs to apply

  • All internship period starts the next week of the application week 

  • Applicants are NOT able to apply to the same club again 

  • Applicants will be participating with the members of the club in their regular weekly meeting period.

  • After applying, please keep in mind that the Internship Team will receive your application and contact every one of you individually; please check your email!

  • *The listed clubs are all first-come-first-served: Sprouter Times (Max. 5 people), VOICE (Max. 10 people)

  • *The listed clubs require a brief interview before joining: HALLO, VOICE

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